When you bring a baby to the dentist, you may notice a difference in the way your baby is handled compared to an adult patient. A pediatric dentist understands the unique dental needs of babies and toddlers and will know how to handle your little one with gentle care.
The dentist will check teeth for early cavities. Even before your baby’s first tooth comes in, it’s possible for the dentist to inquire about any sore spots or problems with feeding that could indicate teething pain. Your baby’s teeth may be examined to ensure that they are coming in normally and are not showing signs of decay in the earliest stages.
Your baby may need fluoride treatments. Fluoride treatments help strengthen and protect teeth against tooth decay. For children who are too young to begin using toothpaste on their own, these treatments are a good alternative until your child is old enough to start brushing regularly.
You can expect to have discussions about your baby’s oral habits.
Your dentist can give you tips on how to care for your baby’s teeth as well as your concerns regarding pacifier use and thumb sucking. If your child is using a pacifier to soothe them, this is fine as long as it is happening in moderation and not continuing past toddlerhood. However, your dentist can recommend methods to help break the habit if necessary.
All children can benefit from fluoride toothpaste for protecting and strengthening their teeth. As babies, however, they have special considerations that parents should keep in mind when it comes to their children’s oral health.
Fluoride in toothpaste is safe to use on babies. However, it is always a good idea to ask your pediatric dentist about the proper amount to use. For younger infants who are not yet teething, you can simply rub the paste along their gums after feedings. When teeth begin to erupt through the gum line, you can start brushing with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste on a wet toothbrush. This will help protect the teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Once your child turns two, you can switch to a pea-sized amount of regular fluoride toothpaste. Remember to only use a small dot of toothpaste on the brush itself – not too much or too little! This is especially true for young children who are just learning how to brush on their own.
When it comes to sippy cups and infant formula, ensure that both have low levels of added sugar. Infants should not be put to bed with a bottle filled with milk, juice, or any sweet drink. Sweet drinks tend to coat the teeth and increase the risk of decay over time. Water is a preferable choice for all beverages between meals and when the infant is in bed at night.
Your baby’s baby teeth will fall out or “erupt” in the order in which they came in. Your dentist will usually check your child’s teeth at each cleaning appointment, but if you notice any symptoms of loose teeth in between visits, call your dentist right away! Get your baby in to see us so we can look for any issues and make recommendations if we see a problem.
Some common signs of a loose tooth:
- Bleeding from the gums when brushing or flossing
- Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, even water (this could be a cavity)
- Pain
- Discoloration around the one or more teeth
- Difficulty chewing
- Drooling excessively
- A wiggly tooth in the incorrect spot
- Reluctance to eat
- Swelling near the extraction site
- Fever
If you notice any of these symptoms, give us a call as soon as you can to schedule an appointment. We will examine your child’s mouth as soon as possible and make sure that the tooth is healthy enough to stay in place. If the tooth is broken because of decay or if the roots haven’t fully developed yet, we will often recommend extracting it to avoid the risk of infection and other problems. Even if we recommend an extraction, this doesn’t mean that the permanent tooth won’t come in. The permanent tooth can shift into position and even come in before the space has been filled. For more information, contact Legacy Dental Clinic today!
Contact our office today at (825) 467-8888 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Nguyen! Located at 4224 Gateway Blvd NW.
4224 Gateway Blvd NW,
Edmonton, AB , Canada T6J 7K1
MON10:00 am - 6:00 pm
TUE8:00 am - 6:00 pm
WED - FRI8:00 am - 4:30 pm
SAT8:00 am - 3:00 pm