When individuals pay attention to their oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily and visiting their dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings, the positive effect on their oral health is obvious. When we neglect our oral hygiene and decide to skip our daily brushing and flossing sessions, our teeth easily fall victim to a host of harmful bacteria. The build-up of bacteria can cause infection and eventually result in tooth decay. Several problems can arise from tooth decay and infection, such as cavities. If we keep our teeth are safe from harmful bacteria, that can all be avoided. This is where dental sealants come in.
Dental sealants are thin covering that Dr. Nguyen, our dentist in South Edmonton, will apply to the surfaces of your back teeth, protecting them from bacteria that cause infection and disease. After the dental sealant is placed, it immediately bonds with the tooth, filling depressions/fissures on the tooth’s chewing surface. Dental sealants provide an additional layer of protection for your teeth by closing off places for plaque to hide in.
Dental sealants are most commonly used on children. It is a protective coating that is painted over molars and premolars. These teeth are more likely to decay over time because they have several depressions and grooves, which tend to be ideal resting places for food and plaque. At Legacy Dental Clinic, we recommend sealants be applied as soon as a child’s adult teeth come in. This will guarantee that their teeth are protected during their development when they are more susceptible to cavities. Legacy Dental Clinic provides dental sealants in South Edmonton to ensure that your family achieves the best oral health possible. Our dentist near you strives to provide quality treatments so that you can maintain optimum oral health and avoid any complications in the future.
Usually, sealants are applied in a liquid form, then hardened using light activation or through chemical reactions.
There are two main types of sealant materials. The first uses glass ionomers, which undergo a chemical reaction as they harden onto the tooth’s surface. The second type uses composite resins, which require light activation to set.
Getting dental sealants is quick and painless. To apply a dental sealant, your dentist will do the following:
1. Cleaning. Before applying the sealant, your teeth must be carefully cleaned and dried. Cotton is positioned around the tooth to keep it dry during the procedure.
2. Preparation. An acid solution is applied to the teeth being treated, which helps to roughen up this area of the tooth to allow it to bond with the sealant easily. After this, your dentist will carefully rinse and dry your teeth again.
3. Application. The sealant is applied to the tooth enamel and then bonded directly to the tooth via either a chemical reaction or light activation method.
It isn’t easy to keep most children away from sweet treats and even more challenging to ensure that they maintain good oral hygiene practices. This is especially true when children start school and begin to have more say in their diets, which is why they are prone to cavities and tooth decay. When permanent molars appear around the age of six, dental sealants can prove to be the best solution to protecting your child’s teeth from a build-up of harmful bacteria and eventual tooth decay. If you are looking for a dentist that will provide dental sealants near you, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at (825) 467-8888 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nguyen.
4224 Gateway Blvd NW,
Edmonton, AB , Canada T6J 7K1
MON10:00 am - 6:00 pm
TUE8:00 am - 6:00 pm
WED - FRI8:00 am - 4:30 pm
SAT8:00 am - 3:00 pm